Evaluating the effects of botulinum toxins to minimize post cleft lip hypertrophic scar

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Haider A Jassim





Background: Cleft lip deformity is one of the most common congenital anomalies. Repair of cleft lip may create too much tension especially when done in wide cleft lip, and this may result in unacceptable scar.


Aim of study: To evaluate the efficacy of botulinum toxin in reducing or preventing post cheiloplasty hypertrophic scar.


Patient and method: Between the period from October 2019 to August 2021, 10 patients with cleft lip were subjected to primary cheiloplasty using Millard rotation advancement flap technique followed by botulinum toxin injection into the site of repair. Follow up period was 6 months postoperatively.


Results: All of our patients showed excellent result which was evaluated using visual analogue scale assessment which was done by tow independent surgeons. Our patients showed barely visible scar at 6 months postoperatively with no recorded hypertrophic scar. No side effect was recorded related to botulinum toxin injection.


Conclusion: Botulinum toxin injection after primary cheiloplsty showed to be safe and effective in prevention of development of unacceptable hypertrophic scar.



Keywards: botulinum, cleft lip, hypertrophic scar, cheiloplasty.

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